On being "underbiked"September 16, 2020·3 mins reading timeIf you follow me on Twitter you already know about my love for mountain bikes, although anything on /r/bikeporn will make me go “Ooooh that’s pretty!
ARM CPU exceptions in TamagoJuly 14, 2020·6 mins reading timeDuring my journey through the ARMv7 architecture, I came across a really neat way of assigning exception handlers used in the Tamago Go compiler.
TEEtcd: an experiment with etcd and secure storageJune 17, 2020·10 mins reading timeetcd is a very complex yet amazing piece of software which accomplish the seemingly dumb task of keeping key-value pairs, both in memory and on disk - in this post, I’m tackling the disk persistence layer.
The 16" note-taking MachineMarch 15, 2020·7 mins reading timeI’ve been using a MacBook Pro 16" for about 7 days now, and I think I’m ready to put out some thoughts about this machine.